Methods Beyond Supervised Learning

Our group’s research focuses on machine learning problems that move beyond needing large amounts of human annotation. Current projects include:


Name       Position
Dr. Mina Rezaei       Lead
Dr. Ludwig Bothmann       PostDoc
Dr. David Rügamer       Postdoc
Martin Binder       PhD Student
Emilio Dorigatti       PhD Student
Jann Goschenhofer       PhD Student
Yawei Li       PhD Student
Xiao-Yin To       PhD Student


  1. Weber T, Ingrisch M, Bischl B, Rügamer D (2023) Unreading Race: Purging Protected Features from Chest X-ray Embeddings. arXiv:2311.01349.
  2. Ott F, Rügamer D, Heublein L, Bischl B, Mutschler C (2023) Auxiliary Cross-Modal Representation Learning With Triplet Loss Functions for Online Handwriting Recognition. IEEE Access 11, 94148–94172.
  3. Weber T, Ingrisch M, Bischl B, Rügamer D (2023) Cascaded Latent Diffusion Models for High-Resolution Chest X-ray Synthesis Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 27th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2023,
  4. Ott F, Raichur NL, Rügamer D, Feigl T, Neumann H, Bischl B, Mutschler C (2023) Benchmarking Visual-Inertial Deep Multimodal Fusion for Relative Pose Regression and Odometry-aided Absolute Pose Regression. arXiv:2208.00919.
  5. Scholbeck CA, Funk H, Casalicchio G (2023) Algorithm-Agnostic Feature Attributions for Clustering. In: In: Longo L (ed) Explainable Artificial Intelligence, pp. 217–240. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham.
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  6. Ott F, Rügamer D, Heublein L, Bischl B, Mutschler C (2022) Representation Learning for Tablet and Paper Domain Adaptation in favor of Online Handwriting Recognition MPRSS 2022,
  7. Rezaei M, Dorigatti E, Rügamer D, Bischl B (2022) Joint Debiased Representation Learning and Imbalanced Data Clustering arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.05232,
  8. Ott F, Rügamer D, Heublein L, Hamann T, Barth J, Bischl B, Mutschler C (2022) Benchmarking Online Sequence-to-Sequence and Character-based Handwriting Recognition from IMU-Enhanced Pens. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR).
  9. Ott F, Rügamer D, Heublein L, Bischl B, Mutschler C (2022) Domain Adaptation for Time-Series Classification to Mitigate Covariate Shift ACM Multimedia,
  10. Klaß A, Lorenz S, Lauer-Schmaltz M, Rügamer D, Bischl B, Mutschler C, Ott F (2022) Uncertainty-aware Evaluation of Time-Series Classification for Online Handwriting Recognition with Domain Shift IJCAI-ECAI 2022, 1st International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Reasoning and Learning,
  11. Ott F, Rügamer D, Heublein L, Bischl B, Mutschler C (2022) Cross-Modal Common Representation Learning with Triplet Loss Functions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.07901.
  12. Dorigatti E, Goschenhofer J, Schubert B, Rezaei M, Bischl B (2022) Positive-Unlabeled Learning with Uncertainty-aware Pseudo-label Selection. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.05232.
  13. Goschenhofer J, Hvingelby R, Rügamer D, Thomas J, Wagner M, Bischl B (2021) Deep Semi-Supervised Learning for Time Series Classification 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA),
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  14. Rezaei M, Soleymani F, Bischl B, Azizi S (2021) Deep Bregman Divergence for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.07455.
  15. Soleymani F, Eslami M, Elze T, Bischl B, Rezaei M (2021) Deep Variational Clustering Framework for Self-labeling of Large-scale Medical Images. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10777.
  16. Goschenhofer J, Ragupathy P, Heumann C, Bischl B, Aßenmacher M (2022) CC-Top: Constrained Clustering for Dynamic Topic Discovery Workshop on Ever Evolving NLP (EvoNLP), Association for Computational Linguistics, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
  17. Dexl J, Benz M, Kuritcyn P, Wittenberg T, Bruns V, Geppert C, Hartmann A, Bischl B, Goschenhofer J (2022) Robust Colon Tissue Cartography with Semi-Supervision. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 8, 344–347.