How to study ML at the Department of Statistics

Starting from October 2021, we offer new bachelor’s and master’s degrees. From now on, it is possible to obtain a master’s degree in “Statistics and Data Science” with a specialization in ML. Formal instructions on how to apply for these programs can be found here.

The bachelor’s degree “Statistics and Data Science”

Here, students will become familiar with all the basics needed to study ML in-depth later on.

The curriculum consists of:

The Master’s degree “Statistics and Data Science with specialization in ML”

In general, students can select between five different specializations, including one in ML. Among others, we offer the following lectures here

Further educational components

In addition to lectures, these modules are included in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees:

Our digital strategy for modern education

Education should be open for as many people as possible and oppose as few barriers as possible. Therefore, we started to open our educational offerings step by step to everyone. On the one hand, we publish the educational material on public websites such as On the other hand, the sources of this material are public as well, e.g., By this means, everyone interested can either access the material and learn from it or be a part of improving the material by contributing with pull requests on our git repositories. We are also actively working with other universities to collaboratively develop our courses and share material, e.g., resulting in a course on Auto ML ( Furthermore, we published our view on developing these open source educational resources, discuss challenges, and point into the directions of possible solutions, see

Throughout the 4 semesters, a special focus is on programming; implementing new methods of machine learning is a crucial aspect of the daily work of a machine learning researcher or data scientist. This fact is reflected in all our courses and we motivate students to develop the R skills obtained in the bachelor and to widen the scope and to learn at least one additional programming language, e.g., python.