(Anna) Theresa Stüber
I am a PhD student at the chair of Statistical Learning and Data Science (SLDS) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universiät (LMU) München since June 2020. My PhD position at the Department of Statistics is in collaboration with the Klinikum Großhadern - since May 2020 -, which is as well a department of the LMU. As my position there is attached to the "Klinik und Poliklinik für Radiologie" my research focus is on Machine and Deep Learning with radiological data.
I obtained a Bachelor's Degree (B.Sc.) and Master's Degree (M.Sc.) in (Bio-) Statistics at the LMU and already did my Master thesis at the working group Computational Statistics - in cooparation with the Klinikum rechts der Isar.

Institut für Statistik
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 München
theresa.stueber [at] stat.uni-muenchen.de
Klinikum der Universität München
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Marchioninistr. 15, D-81377 München
theresa.stueber [at] med.uni-muenchen.de
Research Interests
- Medical Data Analysis
- Combination of classical Statistics and Machine Learning
- Deep Learning for Radiological Data
- Benchmark Studies
You Can Find me on
- Jeblick K, Schachtner B, Dexl J, Mittermeier A, Stüber AT, Topalis J, Weber T, Wesp P, Sabel B, Ricke J, Ingrisch M (2023) ChatGPT Makes Medicine Easy to Swallow: An Exploratory Case Study on Simplified Radiology Reports. European Radiology.
link|pdf. - Stüber AT, Coors S, Schachtner B, Weber T, Rügamer D, Bender A, Mittermeier A, Öcal O, Seidensticker M, Ricke J, others (2023) A Comprehensive Machine Learning Benchmark Study for Radiomics-Based Survival Analysis of CT Imaging Data in Patients With Hepatic Metastases of CRC. Investigative Radiology, 10–1097.
- Gresser E, Reich J, Stüber AT, Stahl R, Schinner R, Ingrisch M, Peller M, Schroeder I, Kunz WG, Vogel F, Irlbeck M, Ricke J, Puhr-Westerheide D (2022) REDUCE – Indication catalogue based ordering of chest radiographs in intensive care units. Journal of Critical Care 69, 154016.
link. - Gresser E, Schachtner B, Stüber AT, Solyanik O, Schreier A, Huber T, Froelich MF, Magistro G, Kretschmer A, Stief C, Ricke J, Ingrisch M, Nörenberg D (2022) Performance variability of radiomics machine learning models for the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer in heterogeneous MRI datasets. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 12.
link|pdf. - Rueckel J, Fink N, Kaestle S, Stüber T, Schwarze V, Gresser E, Hoppe BF, Rudolph J, Kunz WG, Ricke J, Sabel BO (2021) COVID-19 Pandemic and Upcoming Influenza Season—Does an Expert’s Computed Tomography Assessment Differentially Identify COVID-19, Influenza and Pneumonias of Other Origin? Journal of Clinical Medicine 10.