Florian Karl
I am a PhD student at the working group for Computational Statistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer ADA Center, working on Automatic Machine Learning and Model-Based Optimization.
I hold a Bachelor's Degree (B.Sc.) as well as a Master's Degree (M.Sc.) in Mathematics from Technische Universität München.

Fraunhofer-Arbeitsgruppe für Supply Chain Services SCS
Adalbertstraße 16
D-80799 München
Phone: +49 911 58061 9503
florian.karl [at] iis.fraunhofer.de
Research Interests
- Automated Machine Learning
- Multi-Objective Optimization
- Model-Based Optimization
- Time Series Problems
- Partial and Ordinary Differential Equations
You Can Find me on
- Karl F, Kemeter M, Dax G, Sierak P (2024) Position: Embracing Negative Results in Machine Learning Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 23256–23265. PMLR.
Link | arXiv. - Lindauer M, Karl F, Klier A, Moosbauer J, Tornede A, Müller AC, Hutter F, Feurer M, Bischl B (2024) Position: A Call to Action for a Human-Centered AutoML Paradigm Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 30566–30584. PMLR.
Link | PDF | arXiv. - Karl F, Thomas J, Elstner J, Gross R, Bischl B (2024) Automated Machine Learning. In: In: Mutschler C , In: Münzenmayer C , In: Uhlmann N , In: Martin A (eds) Unlocking Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Applications, pp. 3–25. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Link | PDF. - Karl F, Pielok T, Moosbauer J, Pfisterer F, Coors S, Binder M, Schneider L, Thomas J, Richter J, Lang M, Garrido-Merchán EC, Branke J, Bischl B (2023) Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Optimization in Machine Learning – An Overview. ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization 3, 1–50.
- Deng D, Karl F, Hutter F, Bischl B, Lindauer M (2022) Efficient Automated Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases,
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